Thursday 23 February 2012

The Design Process

The key features of the Design Process are:
- Discover
- Define
- Develop
- Deliver

Discover is the stage where the design process starts. As this is where the initial idea comes from, this stage povides a framework for the inspiration and development of a new poduct or service. This stage of the process helps to identify any problems or opportunities that should be addressed, which a design can povide a solution for. This stage should always allow the space for initial ideas and development.
At T2 we discover the problems from the client or client brief. The artists then take this information on board and start thinking about what type of ideas could solve this problem.

Define is the stage where the design team and its partners should have a broad prespective of selecting and discarding ideas as these are then analysed and are identified as problems. At this stage, the analysed ideas are put into a brief with various tasks and actions to consider as development. However at the end of this stage, the team should have a clear definition of the problems and ideas. Then the project goes ahead through corporate sign off.
The artists get together along with the other staff that is involved with the project, and ideas/thoughts are shared about each idea. This then gives the result of us selecting and discarding ideas for further development that we think will work.

Develop is the stage when the project has been through formal sign off which has given the backing to the development of one or more concepts that address to the initial problem. Also during this stage, the design team should get together and develop their objectives such as mind mapping/brainstorming, visualisation, testing and it's scenarios.  At the end of this stage, the design process will have brought the project to be ready for delivery or production.
The artists again get together and branch off any further developments on their previous chosen idea/s. They also neaten up the final concepts ready for presentation.

Deliver is the stage where the final concept is taken through final testing, signed off, produced and launched. The desirable result will successfully address to the new identified problem that was discovered at the start of the process. Feedback, methods, ways of working and any other relevant information will be referred back from the full design process which will be used to inform future projects and its deliverables.
At T2 the manager or director does an internal sign off to the client, which then the client does the external sign off. Feedback is given from the client which then the final concept is successfully launched.

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